Unfortunately, NO government can actually afford to out right ban glysophate use. It's in the water, soil and air cycles. If people are officially told that this pernicious and destructive molecule that is dangerous to their health, but also their great grandchildren health, there is not enough money in the world to cover the class suits that would cascade for decades. It will bankrupt every government globally. Just as the mRNA scandals unfolding now and being covered up by the government's of the world. Policy will be to deny, delay and distract until either a therapeutic is found to mitigate or arrest the damage, or enough humans are determined to be directly harmed.😐🤔🤦‍♀️

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EU did the same thing https://kitten.substack.com/p/3-9-2024

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Nice job Kitten—all of your research into the use and abuses caused by Glyphosate. To add more info, maybe check out the work done by Stephanie Seneff. (I don’t have a link. Maybe one day someone will hopefully teach me how to do that 🤓🙏). I’m subscribing!

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Damn it! 😔

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Yes, Elaine. I agree. Well said. I’m living in Mexico, so I’m especially saddened by this news.

The powers that push for death and disability in the US and the world at large have been developing their evil for generations. My wish is that they all compete for complete power and control, individual against individual, until their inevitable END!

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Terrible disappointment that Mexico backed down on the glyphosate ban. A criminal act against Mexico's beautiful natural corn and the Mexican people.

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