Jun 11Liked by carey gillam

Refreshing to see that some EPA scientists (at least the union ones) might now be allowed to do good science and be allowed to speak and write about it.

Sadly, but creatively, it took a negotiated labor agreement and federal labor law to get to this point, and it’s only as good and lasts as long as being retained in future labor agreements.

“There are stacks of documents that detail the cozy connections between industry and the agency, and numerous loopholes in law that allow for those connections to stay tightly tied, including a revolving door between industry and agency that enriches those who play the game. “

So true of many federal (and state) agencies and services, including USFWS, NPS, CDC, gagged and bound by politics, scientists within BLM (gagged and policy and funding beholden to the mineral, gas, and oil extraction industries) and USDA (gagged and policy and funding beholden to the timber industry at the USFS and farm policy to big industrial agriculture).

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Jun 11Liked by carey gillam

Scraping the scum off the top doesn’t always help. Sometimes you have to dump the bucket

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