Sadly, our fight to stop being poisoned never ends, it seems. … My father died from parkinsons a couple years ago. He suspected paraquat, but we have no proof and my family doesn’t want to get involved. It was a several year suffering process for the whole family, along with his own personal horrendous struggles, right up until the day he died.

I have been battling with the County and the State MDT (Montana Department of Transportation) for a couple of years now over their “weed and mosquito” poison spraying program which is directly beside my home and property, as I live on the highway so close that I can spit over my fence into the barrow pit. I have an organic food forrest I have been developing for decades now, not to mention animals, including myself. I have been poisoned by these “hired lackeys” a couple times to where my lips and tongue were numb and tingling and I felt dizzy. This was when I declared WAR on my attackers!

My battle is a lonely one so far, and according to the Department of Agriculture representative I talk to often in this fight, I am the only person he knows of to be fighting these idiots whom are indescriminatly poisoning me, the citizens, the landscape, and the wildlife. I had the head of the Cascade County spraying operation, Josh, who is located for work down at the county shop, say to me in a phone call, “what we spray isn’t nearly as toxic as you think!” ……. WTF? …. Does “TOXIC” all of a sudden have a new definition since I went to school?

After much wrangling by me, the “county officials”, in their typical government display of wisdom, gave the Dept of Ag representative (2) “stop spraying/ start spraying” signs to give to me, for “ME” to “put up” on the highway right of way, as a “SOLUTION” to stop their lackies from poisoning me. I suspect a (excuse my french) “trick-f#ck” psyop operation was effectuated to cause me problems, or they possibly acted just out of sheer ignorance, as it’s hard to say considering their definition of “TOXIC”. … Beyond the apparent legal issues involved with a private citizen planting 6”x 6” x 12’ posts, upon which to attach to the tops with signs, on the state right of way, there’s also the issue of my physical, mechanical, and financial ability to do so. The Ag guy and I had a good banter and chuckle about them giving the signs to him, since he is a “good guy”, and I sent them back with him to return to the county “clown show” shop.

I have managed to have the spraying stopped by my property being conducted by both the State and County, also, now they all know my name and agenda and have adopted a sense of self preservation towards dealing with me, but I have yet to get the State to put up the signs, and I fully expect their lackeys to screw the pooch and poison me and mine, again, before I can get the State to install the signs, so the battle continues. My true goal NOW is to stop ALL the POISON spraying, everywhere in Montana, and have these poisons banned in Montana, but, I am only one person, and I am up against the corporate scourge and the many brainwashed citizens, farmers, and ranchers, of whom all have been groomed by the public fool system and the MSM, to believe that chemicals and poisons are “WONDERFUL” and helpful. I disagree emphatically with any such notion. I also hope that some legal angel may hear my story.

These battles are long and hard, and I can only imagine I will be fighting these “geniuses” for some time to come, and, as I can only imagine, if I do get the signs posted, other citizens will see them and want the same signs posted by their properties, and this, I believe, is the conundrum and the pariah that the state “officials” of whom I am up against, currently realizes.

I just wanted to add this extremely condensed version of my personal “WAR” against poisons to the “toxin” conversation, and attempt to let everyone who may read this know, that it takes “you” to get involved if you want to avoid being poisoned, and it’s well worth the time and effort, as you have but one life! Thanks for your time that you took out of your day to suffer my diatribe.

Many blessings🙏

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Thank you for this detailed message and for sharing all you are going through. I am so sorry about your father's passing. There are people like you around the US working as you are to try to protect themselves and others. It shouldn't be so hard, of course... But changes are slowly happening.... as evidenced by your successes, even if they seem small.

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Thanks! ... I've had two other big personal wins, on my own, ... one was a win against the MDT when they tried to "eminent domain" my property (including several neighbors properties), and now I'm on top of 30' tall steel pilings looking down at the highway because I found a Montana Supreme Court case that ruled, "in eminent domain cases", "they have to pay the highest bids for all improvements and values of said ED'd property", which I slammed them with. I saved everyones property on both sides of mine with that one. I also won against the Montana Dept of Fish and Game when they tried to make me wait till the following year on a disabled license, claiming "they had a policy" if you had a regular license, to which I threatened them with the ADA and sueing them, after they caved I thought all citizens should benefit, but they didn't, so I wrote in a change to the disabled hunting legislation (to harmonize with the ADA), and got an outgoing Senator to sponsor my bill after telling him the story, and it is now law. Both are good, long, interesting, and triumphant stories, but to long for here. I always really just wanted to be left alone, as I have a lot of hobbies and interests I would much rather be spending my precious time on, but when "they" make the decision to bring a fight to my doorstep, thinking I'm just going to roll over and take their abuse, I tend to become a laser focused warrior. I'm known in the local small town as "someone who doesn't take any sh#t", lol. .... Like Rowdy Roddy Pipper said in "They Live", ".... ,and I'm all out of bubblegum!" 😁


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