Thank you for keeping us informed.

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All of us who follow Carey, we need an address (and all of us should take the time and write a real letter, that's post marked by the Post Office. If they get hit by a barrage of mail, hopefully it will calls someone's attention. Yes they are the big guys, but we are suffering as a result of their greed and games. I understand this has a tendency to hit older people, it takes time to manifest. But our Bees get slaughtered by the spraying of this hideous Chemical, which destroys our food supply. So it not only for the older, but those who want to live to become older!!! Moms all around the country need to join in on this battle!!!!

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Thank you for the update!

Bayer-too big to be held accountable for not warning people over the years. Worse now that their ‘GLY’ is actually in 80-90% of GMO grains-still not labeled anywhere.

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I'm here now because we live in Coastal Oregon and the logging company Stimson has logged above our 11 acres of steep hillside. They are about to spray a cocktail of 8 chemicals including glyphosate onto the clearcut. We have 2 streams that feed our cicterns/home/gardens that originate on "their" land. We have been working with others to get them to halt this assault but no lawyers can help until the damage is done! This affects us all. We have retired parents, my husband and I and our 2 children living on this land with organic garden, free range chickens, 3 dogs and 5 cats. The birds, the frogs, the fish, the people! I've never sprayed poision but I have used flea killer(same stuff smaller dose). The myriad of problems for ALL of these poisions has to stop. I'm here to try to change this world for the better. I know I am ranting but I feel so passionate about all of this. The poor people who have and are dying, young and old. I pray for all of us. I am angry and I am ready to fight this all the way. Thank you for these articles. I am printing and sharing.

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I would like to learn more about your situation TreeO. If you're willing to share more, please email me at carey@careygillam.com

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Ok great! I will write email you later this afternoon or evening:)

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