May 11, 2022Liked by carey gillam

Yippie moving in the right direction. Now it's up to all of us to make sure the public is acutely aware that glyphosate is Round Up (most people just don't make the connection) Round up aka glyphosate, is the Honey Bee Killer. Round up, the chemical that kills birds. Round up the chemical that can also kill, dog and cats.

Round up, the chemical found in our drinking water. When I say glyphosate to people, they are confused, when I say Round up they listen, several in my neighborhood have stopped using Round up, because they are now AWARE.

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It’s extremely refreshing to see outcomes that aren’t swayed by Monsanto’s money. It’s hard to think of a scenario at this point where SCOTUS would opt to hear Hardeman or Pilliod appeals. So, finally, the legal road is coming to an end for Monsanto/Bayer and they are going to have to be accountable…

Solicitor General got it right…not that I had any real doubt. FIFRA is clear and was created to protect human health and the environment….Not the registrants bottom line.

Thanks for the update….

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So great to see yr getting this info out. Monsanto = evil

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May 10, 2022Liked by carey gillam

Thank you for keeping us aware. If not for you, your book, Monsanto Papers, coverage and diligence, many of us would never have known the dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) Keep up the good work!

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So nice of you to say! Thank you for reading!

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Have an acre permaculture garden and wouldn’t put this poison down anywhere near it but this will have food inflationary consequences. If it helps change the trend from massive farms back to small hedged farm-holdings (that encourages a return of wild life) then I’m all for it. It all just feels like the legal eagles have their claws in now and will never let go.

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May 11, 2022Liked by carey gillam

The Biden Administration has just announced they’re lifting tariffs on Chinese agricultural goods. China uses 600,000 tonnes of glyphosate, the US uses 125,000 tonnes of glyphosate. Seems like another way for Big Corp to offshore dirty businesses.

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Great news! Thanks!

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This is "BIG". Thanks so much for sharing. My eyes hurt from reading it. Need some decisions to let big business know that there are consequences to such poor judgement. Now all we have to do is put a few in jail. Keep up your good work and we may get there one day.

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