Very disappointing news. My heart goes out to the victims.
(There's an interesting dynamic when it comes to wins or losses in court. The industry trolls have no qualms about saying the members of the jury aren't scientists when Monsanto loses, but you can bet the tail will wag the dog so to speak when they win.)
Surely with all the evidence showing that by working as its supposed to by interrupting the crucial shikimate cycle in plants, bacteria and fungi (which is how roundup kills non-GMO organisms) and the importance of bacteria to the health of the human microbiome to human health and our immune systems, the case showing the damage glyphosate does to humans should be relatively straight forward? There are a growing number of studies showing just how destructive a pesticide it is!
Mr. Manuel Cachan should be made to drink an entire gallon of glyphosate if it's so safe. So should anybody else alleging the poisonous crap is completely benign. I despise these bastards.
I love your writing, Carey and send the very best wishes to you in the new Work!! I do not yet know how to subscribe to your newsletter, and have my long story of Rroundup still to share, and the foggy brain that cleared up a lot with the science study run by Dr. Shanhong Lu with Dr. Karapanos and the Zoi-Global Clear drops that has helped me a lot. But animals cannot follow instructions as humans do.
Very disappointing news. My heart goes out to the victims.
(There's an interesting dynamic when it comes to wins or losses in court. The industry trolls have no qualms about saying the members of the jury aren't scientists when Monsanto loses, but you can bet the tail will wag the dog so to speak when they win.)
Surely with all the evidence showing that by working as its supposed to by interrupting the crucial shikimate cycle in plants, bacteria and fungi (which is how roundup kills non-GMO organisms) and the importance of bacteria to the health of the human microbiome to human health and our immune systems, the case showing the damage glyphosate does to humans should be relatively straight forward? There are a growing number of studies showing just how destructive a pesticide it is!
Mr. Manuel Cachan should be made to drink an entire gallon of glyphosate if it's so safe. So should anybody else alleging the poisonous crap is completely benign. I despise these bastards.
I love your writing, Carey and send the very best wishes to you in the new Work!! I do not yet know how to subscribe to your newsletter, and have my long story of Rroundup still to share, and the foggy brain that cleared up a lot with the science study run by Dr. Shanhong Lu with Dr. Karapanos and the Zoi-Global Clear drops that has helped me a lot. But animals cannot follow instructions as humans do.